Motherboard is a vital part of our computer system. Before going in detail about motherboard components, it...
A large number of apps and apps stores have been developed over the past few years which...
We usually try screen rotation on our smartphone. But have you tried it on your Windows as...
Backup is one of the most important aspects of data encryption. It doesn’t only enable us to...
Google Assistant is not only a word, but it is a world that offers surprisingly control over...
Almost all the people are facing same issue which is about their Window 10 start up folder...
In the current scenario, we could see that millions of people are shifting towards Windows 10 to...
Snapspeed is for an award winning photo editing application, in the starting built by Nik Software. This...
Recently, we all know that Avast Free Antivirus is mainly involved lot of stuffs. Well, the included...
We all are keenly looking for apps and sites that can cater us quite for free, without...
This error which happens many times on your Windows 10 PC which gets denied of accessing graphics...
Sometimes it happens in the case of software, so do not panic and here are some solutions...
We would like to inform that there are many types or models of Canon printer available in...
Windows 95 : In the current scenario, PCs have become very common set up due to the...
Think for once, after buying your Kodi media streamer and fire sticks to compliment, you sit down...
Social media has taken over the world, such that a large portion of the world’s population is...
You all must have heard about the 3rd party applications which are also open source applications where...
Want to watch your favourite movie or your favourite TV series or anime on your android phone?...
Kodi, which is an immensely popular, opens source, streaming application, is available for almost every platform except...
The online streaming apps have been here for a while and users have orchestrated a huge positive...
[quads id=2] Watching sports live is an underrated pleasure according to me. It is such a thrilling...